The projects we have worked on are as diverse as the science they describe.  Below are a few of the most common types of projects we take on:


Grant Applications


When it comes to getting funded, understanding how your application will be reviewed and making it easy for reviewers to grasp the potential of your proposal are key. We have extensive experience writing and preparing grant applications for both federal and private funding sources, including NIH and NSF. Need help planning the structure of your application? Defining the significance and innovative potential of your work? Getting your points across clearly? Editing your draft documents? We can help with any and all of these tasks to maximize your chances of getting funded and free up more of your time to actually do the science!


Research & Review Papers


When it’s time to publish we can help structure your manuscript to get your results and ideas across in crisp, clear prose and carefully crafted figures that highlight the impact of your work.


Oral Presentations & Posters


A good presentation or poster can create buzz about your work and even land you key collaborations or job opportunities. We can help you design an engaging presentation and coach you on effective oral presentation techniques.